Work Hard Dream Big

Never Rely on One Source

March 05, 20253 min read

"Never rely on one source"

Advice I am glad I listened to even though it took a while to implement.

“This business is crazy. Never rely on just one source for your income.”

This was advice that I received from a USAir captain over 20 years ago. At the time, I thought how do I do that? I am working all the time. I’m tired! But that advice stuck with me for some reason.

My life was going so well. I was getting married, we were making plans. Fast forward 7 years or so, I am facing a layoff and the ultimate demise of my dream airline job at ATA Airlines. To say I was devastated doesn’t hold the gravity of my emotions. This is post 9/11 and in the middle of The Great Recession. Airlines were failing but I was lucky enough to find another job. This time I was flying older planes in the cargo world but going all over the world. Pay was terrible, the schedules were worse. I did it until I just couldn’t see a future there either.

No airlines were hiring. I took a desk job at Boeing writing manuals. I am not cut out for desk jobs and learned that extremely quickly. Plus, the pay vs cost of living in the Seattle area really kept us from getting our hopes up on having children. We just didn’t see how we could pay for a house, daycare and gas. We had good jobs! How do people do it?  

Luckily, we were both offered jobs with better pay in a lower cost of living area that opened up our dreams of family, vacations, and more. But that advice kept flashing through my mind…you need more than just your one income.

warren buffet

The term side hustle wasn’t a thing yet but that’s exactly what I needed. When I was introduced to the oils, I knew I would naturally talk about them. People were going to smell me too…which I know sounds strange but there are some great combos! I didn’t really think I would have much success but I thought I might try anyway.

This “push through the doubt” moment has led me to be able to support my family when I got sick and it was a struggle to work after having kids. Yes, I am back to flying but without my leap of faith to make myself the “weird oil lady” my family would have really struggled financially. Not to mention the health benefits that helped me advocate for myself as doctors misdiagnosed over and over again.

As I have stayed with the ups and downs of having a “side hustle” turn to more and back to a side hustle, I realize just how many people needed this same advice I was gifted.  

This is a offer to you as the reader to ask yourself a few questions…

  1. How much money do you really need to pay bills? In case of emergencies? Get out of debt?  

  2. Are you making that much now or do you need extra?

  3. Do you have dreams of sending your kids to college? Planning a dream vacation? Actually having a retirement account?

  4. Are you willing to put in some time, make some friends and share an opportunity with great products?  

If you answered yes to any of these, let’s talk. So many people can benefit from just an extra $500 a month. Are you one of them? I know I am.

I also know I am happy to help you see if this is a good fit. If not, I get it but I hope you find that extra that just makes your life sparkle.

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